With three adults in the house and only two children, it's frequent that I find myself alone with one of my tots. Late yesterday afternoon, SOB and Allison took Lucy to grocery shop (where everyone complimented her on regaining her figure so quickly after giving birth. Which totally freaked her out!) while I stayed home with Sam. We had just been to the playground, and Sam was in need of a bath, so to the tub we went. He played and splashed with reckless abandon, and I blew bubbles for his never-ending delight. Once we were finished, I hoisted him out and realized that his special towel was in the other bathroom. I dropped off his dripping body in his room and ran to fetch his towel, an action which took less than thirty seconds, I'm sure.
But I was gone long enough. Long enough for disaster to strike.
When I got back, Sam was standing in front of his rocking chair. Holding a turd. In his hand. I flew across the room, somehow managing to grab a handful of wipes on my way through the air. His little brown fist was on route to his face as I intercepted it with the miraculous wipes. As soon as I got him cleaned up as much as the wipes would allow, it was back to the tub.
And this time we used the antibacterial soap.

i've had 3 code brown's in Jack's lifetime...once by myself- the tub had just emptied and he squirted all over.
The football season hasn't even started and we already have the winner in the "Mother of All Interceptions" category!!!
Oooooh boy.
Yeah, it's been a fun couple of days around here. I'm just wishing it was next week already and we were moving.
I love the idea of a 'Code Brown'!!!!! I think boys are more into this sort of thing than girls. All my friends with boys reported it. The most I had to cope with was a tiny floating turd in the bathtub....only once as I recall. But I could be remembering through rose coloured and turd excluding glasses......
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