Friday, June 13, 2008

Family Ties

Today we took a field trip to the Philadelphia Airport (where, against all odds, we didn't see a single plane taking off or landing. Sam was devastated.) to pick up my brother Dan. Tomorrow morning we'll pack into wagon and head off to Harrisburg for the second annual party thrown by Uncle Rob, AKA the Robfather. Then we return to Philly for some quality 'Uncle Dan' time until Monday night, when he heads back to America's Wang.

See you Tuesday!

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Anonymous said...

Well, I don't envy the airport trip, but how odd that you didn't get any good plane action! I guess you'll just have to hang at Penn's Landing and watch them come in from NJ. Enjoy the family fun!

susan said...

Hee, America's Wang. The 7th grader in me will be giggling about that all weekend.

Arizaphale said...

Have fun!!