My poor little girl is cutting a whole slew of teeth right now. Her teeth have come in in sort of a weird pattern. She got her two top and two bottom incisors, and then her molars started popping up. Now the rest of her incisors are erupting, and she's been pretty miserable. All she seems to want is to be held, so I try and indulge her as much as possible. Even though I know she's suffering, the snuggling is too sweet for words. And since I just recently had my own brush with mouth pain, I feel as though I'm well suited to truly understand how she's feeling. If only I could give her a vicodin!
Not your typical manifestation of love, but it works for me! Click over to The Land of K.A. for the rest of Theme Thursday's love shots!

That tiny tear says it all. We're just starting down this same road--ugh! No one ever tells you about molars when they're doling out parenting 'what to expect' advice!
Yeah, a vicodin is probably not a good idea. ;) Poor little baby girl...she looks like she is in some pain. I love those snuggly moments, though, too.
Have you tried Hylands teething tablets? I don't know if they still make them, but we called them "baby crack". They seemed to really help and they were fast. The kids loved them, too.
love those big, fat tears. not that i don't feel sympathy, but it does make an incredibly cute picture :).
Such an amazing picture, but poor, poor Lucy! Nothing is worse than knowing your baby is in pain and not being able to do a darn thing about it. Boo to teething.
I totally feel for her, my little one doesn't deal well with teething either.
Teeth just bring on the pain. I never realized how bothersome cutting teeth really is until I went through it the first time with my son. Of course, now I've signed on to that one a second time too. However, I'm with you I'd be trying everything in the book too. I hope they come in quick. :)
Aw, my heart just melts when I see those big tears. Poor little baby. I say suck up the cuddling as much as possible! :0)
That little tear rolling down her cheek breaks my heart. It is so hard to see them in pain like that.
ohhhh that breaks my heart! sweetness with that little tear...hope teething gets better :)
This may be my favorite picture you've taken. I can't wait to them again. this is your brother.
Love you
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