So after a nearly sleepless night with some strong contractions developing around 3:30am, my OB is letting me hold off on the pitocin for a while. I'm going to be checked for progress in the next half and hour or so and then have my water broken. Then if all else fails we go to the pit. I'm managing the pain fairly well right now, though I know it's early. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I'll be thinking of you! You can do this.
When I was in the greatest amount of pain, I tried to focus on my mom, who had us drug free, and thought of her mom, who had all of her kids without drugs, and of her mom, who probably spit the kids out on the kitchen table, cleaned it up, and then served dinner to the farmhands two hours later.
Crossing my fingers!!!!
Go Amy!!!
Still sending all those vibes!!!
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