Saturday, September 12, 2009

Theme Thursday: Week 23

We just got back from an impromptu and a lengthy trip to Ikea. A few weeks ago Lucy climbed out of her crib. Well, she actually fell out of her crib, and scared the crap out of me in the process. Since then, the little genius has figured out how to climb out her crib with relative safety instead of just heaving herself over the rail. She seems very pleased with herself. Since we can't seem to contain her, we decided not to fight it. So as I type SOB is upstairs assembling her new bed, which will be cramped into her room for a few weeks until the baby transitions to the crib and we do the big room swap of '09.

Speaking of transitions, this will be the last week that Theme Thursday will be held at The Cheese Party, at least for a while. The lovely and talented Megan from Mental Inventory will be taking the reins so that I can more easily (HA!) manage the transition from two kids to three. Make sure you check in with her next week to get the theme!

Speaking of themes:

Week 23 Theme: Transitions

C'mon, it was too easy! I have lots in mind for this week. I hope you do too!

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