Monday, February 08, 2010

Insert Your Own John Denver/Incest Joke Here

You know how whenever there is something you're not supposed to talk (read: blog) about it is The. Only. Thing. you can think about???


Translation: We're moving to Morgantown, WV sometime in the spring. We're putting an offer on a house this week. We'll be 45 minutes from both sets of parents.

Double translation: Life is crazy.

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susan said...


Cara said...

Sound like your excited about it so it's good! Moving is so crazy though so I wish you all the best with that!

Arizaphale said...

OMG! Will you miss Philly? 45 mins from exciting is THAT!???? What about your garden? Your apple tree? Your baker neighbors? Is this a return to home soil? So many questions.....

Arizaphale said...

What's the John Denver reference? (I knew there was one more...)