One of my many hopes for our new house was that I would have a huge, spectacular garden. Sadly, those hopes have been smashed to smithereens by my neighbors. I guess that I should have figured that since a large percentage of the street names around here contain the word 'deer' that the four legged beasts might be a little more pervasive than in Philly. Turns out that the only way to keep the deer from eating everything you grow is to put up an eight foot fence. Which? Is not really an option, according to our HOA. So after picking our neighbors' brains, I decided to put some plants on our deck, which is twelve feet off of the ground.
Since we were so late in getting set up, we only have four tomato plants and three pepper plants. I know I won't get the bounty we've had in the past, but even if we only get a few tomatoes warmed by the sun, I'll be satisfied!
For more Best Shot Monday, visit Tracey at Mother May I.

I guess there has to be some trade off for living in a beautiful part of the world! Good luck with those tomatoes. Wonder if deers can climb stairs?????
I love the light and texture that you captured! We are in the Philly suburbs and the other night I went out my back door and practically walked right into a deer munching on my patio plants.
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