My kids have had a few days off of school, so we've been busy doing lots of nothing. Making cookies, putting up Halloween decorations, scouring the internets for Angry Birds costumes, canning the last of the salsa, shampooing rugs, watching movies, etc. One of the best thing I did? Well, let me start at the the beginning.
If you've never had a kid in diapers then this might be news to you, but the concept is probably familiar. On every package of pampers, there is a code composed of fifteen letters and numbers. If you enter this code on their website, you accrue points that you can redeem for books, coupons, photos, magazines, toys, you name it. Since Sam's birth I've been intermittently entering these codes and usually getting free photo prints in exchange.
Since Freddie has been born, however, I've let my code entering lag. I haven't had as much time, go effing figure. But since I've used the program with some success before, I can't let myself throw away the bags. I just keep stuffing the empty bags together and stashing them in the pantry. About two weeks ago I actually sat down to enter them into the site, but something else caught my attention and I ended up stuffing them into my camera bag when the baby got a hold of them.
Since I have two kids in diapers currently, the amount of empty diaper bags in my possession was about to score me a starring role in my very own hoarders episode, so today I sat down for half an hour and entered code after code after code into the pampers website. When it was all said and done, I totalled over 1,500 points, enough for 200 photo prints and a free photobook, the two main items I usually select. I know I'm not actually getting something for nothing, but it makes me feel a little bit better about all of the butt wiping I've done over the last six months!

1 comment:
I am with you sister. All that butt wiping has to amount to something!!!!
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