Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Best Camera...

Is the one you have with you. I love my Canon, really. Truly. But sometimes, when I have to go to the kids' classroom for the 436th party, and I already have 436 parties worth of photos clogging up my hard drives (plural) sometimes I just want to leave the big DSLR camera at home. Or sometimes when a kid is doing something amazingly cute, and the only camera within reach is the one on my phone, you just have to snap away. Which is why all the aps for the iPhone make me so, so happy! Thanks to Instagram and Hipstamatic, I've been able to take some amazing photos using my phone. See?








See? All from my phone! MY PHONE!

Technology is amazing.

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Arizaphale said...

stellar. And my phone doesn't even HAVE a camera!!!!!!

Amy Jo said...

Get one! I have decided to love mine.

Lora said...

people need to stop knocking the camera phone. It's an art, dammit. A lot of it is getting the right angle, but that's most of the fun!