Friday, February 28, 2014

Positive Reinforcement

Sam hates writing assignments at school. We try and motivate him however we can, but usually writing homework only gets done with lots of grouching and bribing. However, me being Sam's assistant hockey coach was more than enough creative motivation for Sam to write a story entitled 'My Mom Is An Annoying Hockey Coach!' He submitted his story to The Story Pirates for their show on satellite radio, and it got selected! (For the uninitiated, The Story Pirates take stories written by kids and turn them into hilarious radio dramas.) We heard it performed live on our way down to Florida, and they were kind enough to send me a file to share with those of you interested in hearing exactly how Sam feels about my coaching. Click the link below to have a listen! 

My Mom Is An Annoying Hockey Coach

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At first I thought my son might have submitted it!
It's nice to know about another Mom hockey coach.