Friday, November 11, 2005


There are only 99 more days until my due date. I think that every morning I will wake the good Dr. with a rousing chorus of '99 Days 'Till the Crying Begins!' Every. Morning.

Last night we had some friends over to watch Survivor. It was a lovely evening punctuated with several amusing expressions from my unendingly hilarious husband. You know that thing people say about wanting to be with someone who can make them laugh? I hit the freaking jackpot. Our friend Eric spent several of his childhood years in Saudi Arabia, and somehow, we started discussing animals one can ride. Dr. SOB pointedly turned to Eric and said "So camels, with the hump and the water thing, how does that work?" His delivery was so ridiculous that Carrie and I were nearly convulsing with laughter. He later also explained that he likes to pet our cat with his fist sometimes, which is entirely different than punching, FYI. (No cats were actually punched) There is no way I could adequately translate his humor here, but rest assured that he is truly the funniest person I know, and I love that!

Some new folks are reading here, I think. Hi! I get nervous when someone I know starts reading here. My initial worry is that they'll find it offensive and realize that I am an wretched twit that they can't believe they ever associated with. Then I worry that they think I'm dull or un-funny. A friend of mine doesn't read here anymore and I think she fell a little into both categories. Also, sometimes when I know someone reads this, I avoid writing about situations that they were involved in so that I don't offend anyone. I think I'm going to change that, however. First I need to come up with an iron clad disclaimer so that I can avoid people getting pissy with me. I'll work on that this weekend!

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Lora said...

I am reading and I think you are hilarious- that is why I come back! I think I am hilarious too, and totally understand what you mean. Sometimes I think other people will read what I write and think I am crazy or obnoxious. Which is true, but in a good way. I think...

Anonymous said...

You're right, Steve is very funny, but not as funny as you! I think your posts are hilarious and I even have a friend at work reading with me :)

Amy Jo said...

I love you internet people! *hugs* for all!

P.S. Is it sad that I get such satisfaction and validation from a machine? Do I care?