Unlike Her Bad Mother, I mean bad as in 'unfit', not as in 'bad-ass.' I am bad because last night we went to sleep and forgot to turn on the baby monitor. Also, I sleep wearing earplugs because Dr. SOB is such a terrific snore machine. And did I mention that he is also the worlds deepest sleeper? By the time he heard Sam crying, the boy had worked himself into such a fit of fury that his tears were actually projectile. It took me almost 5 minutes to calm him down enough to eat, and then it took about 30 minutes for him to fall back asleep. I just went back to bed and laid there, awake, trying not to cry. We let him 'cry it out' often enough, but this felt different. Like I had let him down some how. This morning he seemed unaffected. He was all smiles as usual, and he fell asleep just fine at nap time. Thank god they make these little suckers so resilient!

This doesn't make you a bad mother, merely a human one. It's near impossible to be super-mommy all the time, so cut yourself some slack! Nothing hurts more than thinking you've somehow let down that little person who trusts you implicitly to meet his every needs (I know from experience!), but try to think of it in terms of a learning experience -- one in which you've all learned that you can let each other down occasionally and still come out the other end intact. You're an amazing mother & Sammy's smiles prove it! Give yourself and that little guy a big hug from all of us here!
This is why I love you, Susan! You always know just the right thing to say to make me feel better about my mom-mistakes. And you’re not just blowing smoke up my ass. Your words always ring true (especially the part about me being an amazing mother) and make sense! Thank you!
Um, I kinda meant 'unfit,' too. But I'm glad that you assume 'bad-ass'!
Mutha Sucka? Feminist smackdowns? You are the queen of Bad Ass!
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