Tuesday, July 11, 2006


They found our couch cushions. Two days after we bought a (non-returnable, non-refundable) new couch. And loveseat. Nice.

So ever since the 'sleeping through the night' incident, Sam has been sleeping quite well and only waking his dear mother once per night. I can deal with this type of sleep pattern, especially since he's also been napping during the day for HOURS AT A TIME! Time where I can get shit done! Shit like cleaning! And cooking! And trying to sell one of our 17 couches! It's so much fun!

But we are having fun. Yesterday and today we went to Stroller Strides, a group exercise class performed with stroller containing babe, which meets in local parks. And these classes are quite necessary as I have started going back to Weight Watchers. I can tell when I need to lose some weight when my ass doesn't look so big because my stomach is sticking out as a counter balance. I have gained about 10 pounds since the beginning of May, and I want to be back to the pre-pregnancy weight by beach time in September. We'll see. Also we joined a local swimming hole, and I don't want to embarrass little Sam when we go swimming. Hopefully he won't embarrass me by pooping in the pool.

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susan said...

Hooray on the sleeping & the striding!!! Sounds like y'all are finding your niche south of the ole Mason-Dixon line. As for the couch cushions, doesn't that just figure? And you KNOW they wouldn't have lost so much as a piece of thread off of it if you had WANTED to replace it. Good luck w/ the selling... any sale-resulting tips would be greatly appreciated for this piece-o-crap we're still hauling around!!!

Amy Jo said...

Um, we haven't been able to seel anything yet, so I guess my advice would be to not expect much! The one thing we sold I think was really underpriced, hence the quick selling. Stupid movers.