Gotcha! Get out of here, you pervs. This post is pregnancy related, suckers!
One major drawback to being sick while being pregnant is the incessant sneezing. Since Monday I have sneezed no less than seven thousand five hundred and forty-three times. Now I am a faithful kegeler, so my bottom system (tm Dooce) is quite capable of holding back the quarts of urine my body produces from drinking all of this. However, sometimes during pregnancy a good sneeze can thwart even the strongest of pelvic floor muscles. Especially if it is the last in a string of thirteen sneezes and you thought you were done with all the sneezing my god the sneezing. The end result being that a little eensy bit of pee comes out with that last sneeze. I have to do wash every three hours just so I don't run of out clean panties!
My washing machine broke yesterday.

I have to admit that I never (knock wood) had this problem because I had a C-section. I can only imagine how annoying it is!
It's even worse the second time around. SOB said that once you have 1 vaginal delivery, it's never going to get better. Yay.
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