Sunday, May 27, 2007

Vacation, Part 2: Some Bad Stuff

1. When we got here, there was a bottle of lube on the night stand. My parents were the last people to stay here.

2. We arrived at the peak of love bug mating season. These bugs spend all day attached to each other at the ass, like this:

Even in flight, they stick together. Did I mention that there at eleventy billion of them?

3. Sam has been refusing to sleep between the hours of 10am and 10pm since we've arrived. Bedtime sounds like we're practicing some ancient torture ritual on him. Then he wakes up at 6:15 or so in the morning, takes a nap by 8 and is back up by 10. No matter what we do with him during the day, he refuses a second nap. Yesterday he was so tired he was losing his balance, but as soon as we put him down, it was like we had mainlined coffee into him.

(Note: as I typed that last paragraph, he fell asleep! Perhaps the curse has been lifted!)

That is all. End transmission.

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theotherbear said...

"When we got here, there was a bottle of lube on the night stand. My parents were the last people to stay here."


That is only funny because it didn't happen to me. *snicker*

super des said...

I don't like this mating season you've stumbled into. Both.

The Hockey Stop said...

eleventy billion? that's not a number...yet

Amy Jo said...

I assure you, Bob, that once you have kids, eleventy billion is a number. I think it is roughly equal to the number of diapers you change in one calendar year. Share that tidbit with Marcello.

susan said...

Well of course he's not sleeping -- his grandparents have been apparently getting it on and as if that's not enough to keep his eyes wide open for the rest of his life, you're all surrounded by bugs attached at the ass! I wouldn't sleep, either!