Thursday, November 08, 2007


This is all that's left of the tree.

It's sad to see a once majestic tree reduced to a pile of firewood. Granted, it's an impressive pile, but still. I was very conflicted about having the tree cut down in the first place. Unfortunately, we don't live in a time or place where letting nature take its own course is possible. Or practical. The potential damages to life and limb (heh) were too great to allow this massive neighborhood old timer a dignified death. In the spring, we plan to plant a new tree in its place. And with the big tree gone, a smaller maple and a scrawny little apple tree are going have a new chance at light and life.

Every time we light a fire, we'll be burning a memory.

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Blueberry said...

that is an impressive pile!!

it is sad to see a big old tree go but at least you are planting a new one in its place for future generations to appreciate!

Brittany said...

that is a lot of wood!!

Maggie said...

Wow! I have to agree, that is a very impressive pile of wood! And that is a great take on memory too...

super des said...

That last sentence is possibly the saddest thing I've ever read.

kim said...

Now THAT's a pile of firewood! It's so sad to think of you burning a memory.

Lora said...

you're so punny. lunch monday?