Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I Forgot To Mention This...

And you know what makes it even sweeter?

The three bills that came along with the certificate! I was very happy with the final results. I officially lost 17 pounds during this contest, but if I were a betting woman I would wager that I gained at least a few back on vacation. The woman who came in first place was so far and away ahead of everyone else I knew there was no way I could catch her. She works at the front desk and is the nicest. lady. ever. so if I had to lose to someone I'm glad it was her! I'm still far, far away from my ultimate goal, but that's ok. With my past weigh loss endeavors, the slow and steady losses were the ones that stuck better. The Y is going to do another Biggest Loser beginning in January and my goal is not to participate. Because I'm already all skinny-fied, see?

Wish me luck!

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super des said...

Just don't go spending those bills on cupcakes...

Unknown said...

Congrats! We'll celebrate with some homemade ice cream from Juan ... or sorbet! Your choice! :)

Arizaphale said...

Congrats indeed. I am awash with admiration and jealousy. Mind you, eating those 2 hot jam donuts at the football today probably didn't help :-(