Friday, June 06, 2008

Kiss Me I'm Bloggish

Last week I was bestowed, by the fabulous des, this wonderful award:

I failed to acknowledge this in a timely manner because, as a recipient, I am supposed to send the love onto ten other bloggers! Ack! Are you kidding? Have you seen my google reader? I subscribe to at least 50 blogs, and I read all of the 'friends shards items' AND I am a prodigious reader of several hundred other blogish sites (Stroller Derby, TWOP, PBN, Philadelphia Weekly, ad nauseum). So cropping the list down to ten was keeping me up at night!

First, I would love to return this love to des. I feel a burning desire (no pun intended) to see her tattoos up close and in person. Plus, it's fun to live vicariously through her. She just up and moved from NYC to Detroit (home of the Stanley Cup Champions, boo.) FOR LOVE! How cool is that?

Secondly, I want to call out my Philly homegirl Lora. She's one of those ladies who is going to be a big famous blogger one day, I'm sure. Funny? Yes! Adorable spawn? Check! Read her, so I can be cool when I said I knew her when...

Amy from Chicken and Cheese. Quite possibly the front runner for 'blogger I want to meet in person the most' award. Seriously. When she announced she was pregnant and not coming to BlogHer '08, I was happy for her and then totally devastated that she wasn't going to be there. P.S. I'm totally not stalking you!

Suzanne from C.U.S.S. Any blog with the word 'snatch' in the title is a winner in my book.

(Sidebar: did I ever mention that 'Snatch' was my dad's nickname in high school? I don't care to speculate on the origins of that nickname AT ALL.)

Janet from every samurai needs a mommy. Here's to rekindling old college friendships! And cute as hell babies!

The High Heeled Mama, because ATL represents. I miss you guys! Plus it's her one year blog anniversary (I loathe the term blogiversary and refuse to use it in a sentence unless it referencing how much I hate it) so go over and wish her some happy more to come!

Catherine, because her and her lady parts need all the love they can get. Plus: new baby happiness!

Susan, over at Stuff and Nonsense. Write more, damn it. Our thursday phone dates aren't cutting it! I need the written word of Susan!

The New Girl
. If you don't finish that birth story in the next few days, I will find you and force you to tell it to me in person. And I mean that in a totally fun, non-threatening way!

And finally, Miss Zoot and her whole brood. Again with the new baby deliciousness! All these bloggers having babies are really out to make me ovulate, I just know it. Plus she was the originator of the lovely pink and green template I used to use before I broke it.

So there it is. My ten. There are ten more, and ten more beyond that, but I am tired. Thanks again Miss d for your continued love and adoration of my cute-as-buttons offspring!

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Amy said...

Aw, I love you, too! And every time I think about BlogHer, I cry a little in my water with lemon. I want to be there SO. BAD.

Next year. Promise. Pinky swear.

And thank you!

super des said...

I've figured out the trick to linky love is to give out awards. I am so abusing that from now on.


Arizaphale said...

Congratulations! Nice to know you're loved!! I am in awe of you with 50 blogs in your reader etc etc etc. I barely keep up with the 20 I have!
PS Your last post on the Lovely Lucy was beautifully written and thank you for including another one of those smiley photos of her as a little tiny baby....she blows me away.

susan said...

*Blushing and cringing*
I know, I know. Too many excuses, not enough good ones. New post tomorrow, I promise. I can't stand seeing the last one anymore, anyways! Thanks for the kick in the butt to get going again!

the new girl said...

Hey thanks.

Not for the threat about coming to find me. But it IS a good story to hear over tea.

I'm getting to it, I swear.