Monday, November 03, 2008

On Pillow Forts and Brothers and Sisters

I had just run the vacuum and so our coffee table was across the room. As I was folding this blanket I was struck with a memory. When I was a child we had a very similar afghan, which makes sense since my grandmother knitted this one as I'm sure she knitted the one in my memory. My brother and I would use it and several others she made for us to construct some very elaborate tents and tunnels. 

So I used the couch and the coffee table, along with the cushions from the couches, to make a pillow fort for Sam and Lucy. While neither of them seemed all that interested in sitting under a blanket in the living room, they both thought it was crazy fun pull it down and jump all over it. 

There were a few near missed head bumps and a few accidental kicks in the tummy, but for over an hour they played and hugged and laughed. They were so happy.

And for me, the happiness lasted all day.


Visit Mother May I for more Best Shot Monday photos. 

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super des said...

That's the best.
Your posts (and pictures) always make me feel so warm & fuzzy. Maybe it's because you're talking about blankets?

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

pillow forts are the best! love the first shot especially. you can tell how much fun they are having. :)

Killlashandra said...

Pillow forts make the best places to crash land that's for sure. I love that second shot of them on the blanket they look so happy. :)

Joanna said...

They look like they are having so much fun. They have great smiles on their faces. What fun!

Rose said...

so cute! We've done that here a couple times too. Harrison loves to jump on top of the blanket tent as opposed to going under. Oh well. He's happy, I'm happy.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, cute! I haven't made forts in the longest time. That's just the kind of fun we need for tomorrow! Isn't just amazing to watch all facets of the sibling bonds develop?

Arizaphale said...

Isn't that last shot a beauty?