Some gifts from our garden...
And in black and white, just for fun...
This year I tuned 30, which means all of my best girlfriends from college are turning/have turned 30 as well. The three of us who have already celebrated the milestone have been lucky enough to celebrate together. Last night we had some friends over for Carrie's birthday. I had intended to get a photo of the three of us girls together, but things got away from me. Luckily, our other friend Chrissie is a super thoughtful and talented photographer, and she snapped this shot of me and Carrie and our little girls.
As you can see, we're both knocked up. She's due September 1st and I'm due September 30th. Our girls are only five months apart, and I'm so excited that the newest batch of kids will be close in age as well!
Visit Tracy at Mother May I for more photography fun!

Thanks for having us over ... it was a blast! It's been wonderful sharing many happy memories this past decade and we look forward to many more to come in our THIRTIES, forties, etc. :)
ps that was me that just left that comment ... don't know why it went anonymous. :) Chrissie
Sounds like lots of fun and how cool that you two are due so close to each other :)
Have a wonderful week!
Those are both GORGEous shots! TWO lots of 'peas in a pod' eh?
how fun. peas in a pod....and more peas in pods!
Those look good enough to EAT!!!
That was me!
I like the lighting of the pea photo. You all look fabulous, I cracked up when I read the line "As you can see, we're both knocked up."
What great shots of your gardening skills -- looks yummy to me! And a great final shot too - how wonderful to have such great friends!
How great to have close friends, and to have kids who can be close as well.
Oooh, really like that first shot! I was gonna make a pea in the pod comment too but looks like everyone else had the same "original" idea.
LOVE that first shot.
both "knocked up" - hee! how fun that you guys get to experience all the goodness of having kids the same age and stages!
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