I was doing so well up 'till now. Compared to when I was pregnant with Lucy, this time around seemed almost too easy here in the final stages. But sometime early last week things got turned upside down literally overnight. After two nights of way-less-than-stellar sleeping, I came a little unglued. I then went to my doctor's office, expecting to see a certain physician because she's the only one in the practice who performs the membrane stripping procedure, only to discover that she had taken the day off for 'personal business.'
I was livid. I had gotten a sitter and forgone a much needed nap to make this appointment. Plus she doesn't work on Fridays or Mondays, so I was going to have to wait until Tuesday to see her. After speaking to the scheduling people, I also found out that there was only one inductions slot available for this coming week, also on Tuesday.
In a fit of frustration, I claimed that final slot. I check into the hospital tomorrow night at 9pm, and hopefully by some time early on Tuesday morning we will have a new baby. With SOB's schedule, I don't want to risk going too late and missing out on having him around.
I'm still going to attempt delivering without pain meds, though I know realistically that it may end up being much more difficult. My docs' protocol starts cervidil (a cervical ripening agent) at night and waits until morning to administer pitocin, so I'm hoping that if I progress well overnight I can skip the pit. I just am so conflicted about everything right now, and I'm trying to sort through all of these feelings, which is why I've been kind of quiet here.
I'm just trying to keep in mind that at the end of this all, there will be a lovely new baby to hold and snuggle and suckle regardless of how he or she arrives. That the crib in my room will soon hold more than diapers and a boppy pillow. That Lucy will be a big sister. That is what is really important.

Good luck !
So excited to find out what it is. Think of everything that happens around you as fate - that maybe things are happening for a reason bigger than your choosing. Your mother's intuition will guide you well. I say this after 3 years ago having to choose a vbac or repeat c. Fate decided for me and it was glorious and I never regretted any of it. (had to have the repeat c) Good luck!
I made it through w/ pit 2x for quite a few hours. Just be sure to set up in advance how far you can stray from the bed w/ the monitors. The exer. ball on the side of the bed was a lifesaver. Thinking of you and can't wait to meet this new little one!
Thanks for all of the kind words ladies. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I go into labor on my own some time in the next 24 hours so that I can avoid this whole mess!
I hope you do too. But if not...have you heard of the TENS machine? You stick these little electrodes to your lower back and it's supposed to help stimulate your own natuiral pain coping hormones etc. I don't know if it worked but it gave me something to focus on for the 6 hours before I went into the birthing pool. They gave me the hormone pessary thing to get me going and I only had to monitored for an hour after that I got those damn things OFF so I could move around. Moving around was da bomb.
Will be keeping you in our thoughts for tomorrow.
amy..i am thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way so you get the delivery you want.
Thinking of you and hoping all goes as you hope. Can't wait to see what flavor you get and wishing you all the health in the world. xoxoxo
I'm hoping everything goes well for you - no matter how things transpire. I had my first on September 9th without any meds (I asked, but she came too quickly!). Thinking of you!
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