Last night after we tucked the kids into bed I went to get a quick shower. As I looked in the mirror, I contemplated throwing on my robe and grabbing my camera. Why? I had two discarded barrettes in my hair and blue paint streaked across my face, probably from this:

I made sure SOB saw me before I washed up.
Sam has been doing so well in school, just today he told me he loves his new teachers. He can't remember their names (Kieranan and Elaine) but he loves them! And Lucy seems to have figured out exactly what her new bed is for (hint: SLEEPING!) and so life in the past 48 hours has been pretty, well, happy. Despite being 38 weeks pregnant (!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm managing to keep life moving along most days. Even when the days start before sunrise with one or more kids waking up in a damp bed.
Somehow I'm just now becoming aware that my time with just these two is coming to a close. With every onesie I wash it's like a minute is ticking away. So sometimes even though I'm totally exhausted and it's closer to bedtime than dinner time, we bust out the finger paints. Or instead of blogging during the daily episode of Curious George, I'm more inclined to sit and snuggle.
I hope you'll understand. I want to keep wearing my 'good mommy' face for as long as possible.

1 comment:
oh, so soon! eeeeeee!
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