Today is my first day of solo parenting all three kids. All weekend I was unnaturally calm about the whole thing, especially considering that SOB is on call tonight and could potentially be stuck at work until, well, tomorrow. Maggs got up just before five this morning, though, and all of a sudden I was racked with dread. What if she didn't go back to sleep after her milk session and I had to function all day after getting up so early? Eeps!
When the phone woke me up at seven-thirty I realized she must have conked out as hard as I did after her feeding. It's been smooth sailing ever since. Sam and Lucy got up with me, but Maggie kept on sleeping while I dressed them and we all had breakfast. Then the baby girl woke up just in time for me to nurse her before having to get Sam off to school! My super sister-in-law Allison stopped by in case I needed some help, so I left Lulu at home and took the baby to the grocery store. When we got home Allison left, I got a load of laundry done, switched around the placement of the kids' car seats to a more pleasing configuration, scrubbed the grout in my shower (WTF?) and ran the dishwasher. Then us girls went and picked up Sam, I fed the kids lunch, got the two older one down for their naps, took a shower and picked up some of the clutter around the house.
I don't know what has gotten into me. I wouldn't be this productive on a regular day if I had zero children. Maybe SOB slipped some speed into my decaf.

You are full of awesome! There's totally a 'I must do this now when I have a free sec or they will conspire against me' aspect to it. Glad you're off to a great start. There will be nutty days, but life with three rocks.
You go girl! You are making it look easy....totally cool!
So, what you're saying is that all I need to do to have a productive, meaningful, low-stress day is to have two more babies? Wow! I've been going about this all wrong.
Seriously, congratulations! You rock, and no one deserves a picture perfect day with her picture perfect day more than you!!!
Wow, you go girl!
It funny, I find that I get more done when my husband is not around. When he is and he is suppose to be minding the children I spend more time telling him to watch them then I do getting stuff done.
When he's not around, I know I need to keep and eye one them and I have a system of keeping them in the room I am working in and I swear I get more done.
If Susan is right, I better get crackin' on those two additional kids myself. My shower grout is in need of some help. Way to go on your super-productive day!
I have one moderately independent child and I still don't get the shower grout scrubbed :-(
You are my role model....
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