Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Sour Patch Kid Experiment

Last night my sister-in-law came over with some candy for the kids. She had Swedish fish, watermelon candies and sour patch kids. Lucy was determined to have some of the 'lellow' candies, i.e. the sour patch kids, so we decided to let her try them. But not before I got the camera...

It wasn't so bad initially...

But then she started chewing...

And that's when things started to get hilarious...

She kept closing one eye, as though that would make the sourness go away...

But no...

Finally, she gave up and just started yelling...

But then, contemplating...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand giving it another go.

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super des said...

mmmm sour patch kids.

carrie said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!

Arizaphale said...

I know exactly how she feels.