Monday, October 31, 2011

Who You Gonna Call?

I thought this might be the year that my kids finally exerted their own independence when it came to choosing Halloween costumes. Last year was really only the first year we did coordinated costumes (unless you count the grouchy ladybug and friendly ladybug costumes) but it was a triumph. It was going to be a tough act to follow.

Ever since some time in September Lucy has been going on and on about being a ghost this Halloween. I kept waiting for her to change her mind, but sometime last week I realized that wasn't going to happen. Sam, on the other hand, changed his mind about forty three times. A knight, an angry bird (but it had to be the bomb one, you know, the one that was sold out everywhere) some Jedi, some other random thing with a sword. As long as a weapon was involved he was in. I tried to convince them to dress as the charters of The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan and Alice In Wonderland to no avail. Lucy was going to be a ghost and Sam was going to have a weapon, PERIOD.

So I was online looking for Lulu's ghost costume, and when I typed 'ghost' into the search field, it also suggested searching for 'ghostbusters'. LIGHT BULB! After a few more clicks, our ensemble was complete!

Who you gonna call?

Everybody wins! Sam gets a proton blaster, Lucy gets to be a ghost, Maggie gets to be the cutest damn marshmallow villain in history, and Fred, with the assistance of a little neon green fabric paint, gets to be Slimer. And since he is teething, he's pretty authentic.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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Megan said...


Arizaphale said...

YOU are unquestionably brilliant. And they are devastatingly CUTE!