Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ladies and Gentleman, We Have a Vagina!*

Well, it looks like we'll be needing these after all! Thanks for all of your chanting and lighting of 'vagandels.' You can all be honorary cyber godparents, ok?

*We are not experts, so while we can say with a fair degree of certainty that we saw tiny lady parts, there is always a chance or two that we were completely and totally wrong. Once we get the 'official' ultrasound in a few weeks, we'll be more confident with our opinion.

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Amanda said...

Yeah! Maybe we should market vagandels. We could carry lucky rabbit balls too. Sorry. Stopping.
Sending you congratulations and continued lady parts on your horizon.

Lora said...

that's awesome!

Janet said...

congrats on the possibility of a little lady!
about the williamsons thing...i'm not sure- i've seen the show (guilty pleasure) but not the one you may be talking about. If you are thinking about the restaurant that was on city line ave, that one closed...but you never know, the one in horsham is still going strong...i'll have to tune in more to find out!

super des said...

Hooray! I will continue sending you girly thoughts.

Unknown said...

Yay! I am so happy! Girls are fun... so many more things to worry about. lol

susan said...


Amy said...
