Friday, March 09, 2007

V Day*

Tomorrow we are sneaking into the hospital to get a look-see at this baby swimming 'round in my belly. Although it's a few weeks earlier than most OBs traditionally perform an anatomy scan, we're hoping that we'll be able to deduce what we're looking at. With Sam, it was pretty obvious. As in, we could see his baby wang like he was some sort of pre-natal flasher. The hope is that if this child is a boy, he'll follow in his big brother's exhibitionist footsteps. That way we'll get a clear image that is either penis positive or penis negative.

No pressure Numero Dos, but we're crossing our fingers for penis negative.

*V stands for Vagina!

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Unknown said...

eat some chocolate on your way there to get the wee one moving and see if you get get a 3-d u/s. they show everything so clearly it's amazing!

Lora said...

I'm continuing the vagina chants

Amanda said...

Sorry, Lora's "vagina chants" distracted me. Sputtering with laughter here.
Let me say that I'll light a vagandle for you.

Amy said...

I'm crossing all apendages! Good luck.

Amy Jo said...

You are all cracking me up!