No matter how many knock-'em-down-drag-'em-out-tantrum-filled-dinner-refusing-baby- sister-toy-stealing-back-talking-pants-pooping-crying-yelling-biting filled days we have (i.e. every other day) after I put him to bed I relax. Why? Because every morning Sam greets me with a sweet 'hellwo mama' and a big kiss. It's hard to stay angry and frustrated knowing that the next time I see him it will be a brand new day. His enthusiasm about brushing his teeth and going downstairs for breakfast are incomparable.
As long as those blue eyes are the first thing I see on Mother's Day, I'll be satisfied.
Posted as part of PBN's Every Day is Monther's Day Blog Blast

These days are really tiresome and frustrating but you're right - morning washes it all away.
And it does get easier.....
De-lurking to say 'God that made me feel better tonight'. LONG day! Of course, you and Jori are right, morning washes it all away. Not that that bottle of wine once they're in bed doesn't help either. I'm warned that if I think the 2's are terrible, then the 3's are a nightmare. But I hear they start to revert to being humanesque around 4. Although it's a gradual process not completed until about 18 or so.
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