Monday, April 02, 2007


I mentioned that we went to the High Museum last week. There was some great artwork, but there was also a ton of fantastic furniture and antiques.

This typewriter is original to the Johnson Wax building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Here is a great Kodak camera from the art deco period, similar to the one shown here.

Over the course of the last three years, writing and photography have become my main form of creative expression. When I was younger (i.e. without child/children) I used to act, sing and take dance classes. But those things all required time. Time spent outside of the home. Once Sam was born, time was no longer at my disposal. At first, I was worried that this loss of creative outlet would translate into discontent, both for me and the baby. But as my writing grew more personal, and my camera got an upgrade, I found myself excited by these new artistic challenges. Both of these mediums have given me a great deal of personal satisfaction, and any chance to combine them only intensifies those feelings!

Do I miss my old hobbies? Sure, but I get my fill by belting out show tunes to Sam during diaper changes. Much to the dismay of our neighbors, I'm sure!

Tracy wants us to play all week long, so check back in to see where else I find inspiration. As always, click over to Picture This to check out all the photos and to play along!

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m.e. said...

Oooooh, love these shots! I love old stuff. Super!

Anonymous said...

Love these photos. Makes me remember I need to get out my antique typewriter and my FIL's old camera. Thanks for the memories.

Happy BSM

Anonymous said...

nice! i really like the first one especially. nice comp.

Damselfly said...

Great old stuff! Someone gave me a typewriter like that when I was a teen, but back then I had no use for something so "backward," so I gave it away. I'm kicking myself now...

Amy Jo said...

I love Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture, and he was a stickler for having only approved furniture and appliances in his buildings. I can see why he liked this typewriter. He was a crazy old coot, but I love him just the same.

tracey clark said...

I am so loving that typewriter shot!
: ) Tracey @ Picture This